Ibiza – Coming Soon


Ibiza City Clinic

The Longevity Suite® is Europe’s most advanced network of Biohacking & Anti-Age City Clinics, where we develop cutting-edge, high-performance, and technology-driven integrated protocols to guide you toward the best version of yourself. Our approach strikes a perfect balance between health, conscious beauty, and mental energy.

In our Longevity Clinics, we merge scientific research with state-of-the-art holistic and wellness solutions. We optimize both body and mind to enhance health, performance, and aesthetics, ensuring that you always operate at your full potential.

When we think of Spain’s Balearic Islands, the first that comes to mind is undoubtedly Ibiza. Renowned for its vibrant nightlife—where Europe’s top clubs relocate during the summer—it seamlessly blends a dynamic party scene with the slow-paced charm of its villages, where yoga and mindfulness thrive. This makes it the ideal setting for The Longevity Suite City Clinic, where our experts will support you in achieving your wellness goals with awareness and balance.

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I Trattamenti di questo centro

Cryosuite Total Body

Immergiti in una camera fredda con temperature da -85°C a -95°C per un intervallo di tempo tra i 3 e…

UltraTone & Muscle

Grazie alla tecnologia del Campo Elettromagnetico Ultra Focalizzato, questo trattamento è in grado di attivare la muscolatura profonda in zone…

Eternal Youth TMR

Questo trattamento prevede l’utilizzo di campi magnetici pulsati a bassa frequenza e bassa intensità per una particolare stimolazione dei tessuti…

Longevity Experiences

Percorsi esperienziali studiati su misura per ottenere una rapida ripresa dallo stress quotidiano. Un mix di trattamenti e tecnologie per…

IV Therapy

Un trattamento antiage moderno ed efficace che permette il completo assorbimento di tutti i nutrienti necessari alle cellule del tuo…

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